This post is purely based on Wang’s paper. I will try to make the explanation as straight-forward as possible. The entire process consists of four major steps, as is followed.

  1. Generate Constellation Map from Spectrogram for your library of audios
  2. Generate fingerprints using the Constellation Map for each file
  3. Repeat 1&2 for a sample audio of interest
  4. Use the fingerprints of the sample audio to search the library



Spectrogram is nothing but frequency distribution in the time domain. Given a time series of signal, we could use Fourier transformation to transform a moving window of the signal and eventually map \(\operatorname{Signal}(t)\rightarrow\operatorname{Freq}(t)\) .

Constellation Map

Constellation Map is an invented concept from Wang’s paper, quoted

We term the sparse coordinate lists “constellation maps” since the coordinate scatter plots often resemble a star field.

It is actually just a reduced spectrogram — only the top frequency components at each time step is preserved.


Fingerprints are signatures of a piece of audio, generated from the combinatorial hashing of frequencies and time deltas, track ID and start times. I will explain this in another section.

Constellation Map Generation

First, we need to generate the spectrogram for a piece of audio.


  • signal, \(\operatorname{Signal}(t)\)


  • sample rate, like, 44.1KHz
  • window function


  • Spectrogram, \(\operatorname{Freq}(t)\)
  • shape: (time, freq)
  • implicitly, a frequency array is generated, \(A_{freq}\)

For more information, one can read the doc from scipy.

Reducing the Spectrogram along the frequency axis is simple. One candidate reduction could be taking the top N frequency components as shown below. However, one is free to choose his own reduction function.

\[\operatorname{ConstellationMap}(t) = A_{freq}[ \operatorname{Argmax}(\operatorname{Freq}(t), axis=0)[\mathrm{:,:N}] ]\]


  • top N components
  • Spectrogram


  • Constellation Map, \(\operatorname{ConstellationMap}(t)\)
  • shape: (time, N)

Fingerprint Generation

Combinatorial Hashing

According to Wang’s paper, a pair of frequency-time is used to generate a hash. Relative time is used instead of absolute timestamps given by the frequency-time pair. Hence, three numbers, namely \(f_0\), \(f_1\) and \(\delta t=t_1 - t_0\) are used to generate a hash.

If \(\mathcal{H}\) is the hash function and \(h_i\) and \(n_i\) is the hash and the number at step i, the combinatorial hashing can be written as

\[h_i = \mathcal{H}(h_{i-1}, n_i)\]

Or programmatically, let’s define a combinatorial hashing function \(\mathrm{H}\) as

def H(hfunc: Callable, numbers: List[int]) -> int:
    r = 0
    for n in numbers:
        r = hfunc(r, n)
    return r

An alternative to this hashing approach could be stitching the three numbers in a string and use that string to generate a hash.

The reason for using frequency-time pairs instead of one single frequency-time point is that this greatly improves the specificity. Quotes from the paper,

We see that by using combinatorial hashing, we have traded off approximately 10 times the storage space for approximately 10000 times improvement in speed, and a small loss in probability of signal detection.

Choosing Frequency-Time Pairs

Given an anchor point in the Constellation Map, one can define his target zone after that anchor point. Hence, the anchor point and the points in the target zone forms frequency-time pairs.

def selectAnchors(freqs: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    """select frequencies of interest. This could be an identity function"""

def findTargetPoints(freq: int, i_t: int, constellationMap: List[List[int]],
    times: List[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    """given an anchor point (freq, idx at time) and the constellation map,
    returns points in the target zone"""

def makeFrequencyTime(constellationMap: List[List[int]], times: List[int]) \
    -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]:
    """returns (f0,t0), (ft, tt)"""
    for i, (t, freqs) in enumerate(zip(constellationMap, times)):
        for anchor in selectAnchors(freqs):
            for point in findTargetPoints(anchor, i, constellationMap. times):
                yield (anchor, t), point

Components of a Fingerprint

\[\mathrm{fingerprint} \equiv [\mathrm{hash:track id:starttime}]\]

In Wang’s paper, a fingerprint is represented by a 64 bits integer, where the first 32 bits is the hash and the second half is the track id plus the start time of the anchor point. However, one can choose what makes sense to his own application.

Finding a Match

As is discussed, a song can be represented by a number of fingerprints generated from the Constellation Map. Finding a match in the library given a sample audio becomes a process of hash lookup.

def lookup(sample, library_hashes):
    matches = []
    for fingerprint in makeFingerprints(sample):
        # match could be just the second half of the 64 bit construct
        match =
        if match:
            matches.append((fingerprint, match))
    return matches

From all the matches returned by the library, one could group them by the track IDs. One simple way of scoring the results can be the match counts for each track. However, it was proven to be not as robust as one expects. I did read other people claim that it was actually adequate. At least, I would say the performance could vary from case to case.

What was proposed in Wang’s paper is that one should rely on the scatter plot of time pairs constructed from the sample audio and the song from the library. All information should be contained in the matches returned by the function lookup. Quotes from the paper,

If the files match, matching features should occur at similar relative offsets from the beginning of the file, i.e. a sequence of hashes in one file should also occur in the matching file with the same relative time sequence. The problem of deciding whether a match has been found reduces to detecting a significant cluster of points forming a diagonal line within the scatterplot. Various techniques could be used to perform the detection, for example a Hough transform or other robust regression technique.

However, as stated in the paper, these techiques are usually time consuming and an alternative approach was proposed as an approximated solution to the problem.

The suggested approach, which can be easily told from the scatter plot, is that if one plots the histogram of \(\delta t=t_1 - t_0\) from the matches, one would expect a sharp peak somewhere for a true match, whereas a false match would be flat. In this way, the problem of scoring matches is reduced to \(\mathcal{O}(n\operatorname{log}n)\) .